By listening to this talk you will understand the 'speaker business models' that actually make money, and how You can prevent pipeline constipation in your speaking/training/coaching business. You'll walk away knowing (1) which business model works for you, (2) How to become a high-paid speaker, (3) how to prevent pipeline constipation
For over 10 years Anthony has been a professional keynote speaker, better known as the "Telephone Assassin", and he often uses training to accelerate the learning process. As a conversational strategist, he helps people to tackle difficult conversations and stay in control of their calls... and in the world of sales he helps clients to increase their conversion rates and prevent pipeline constipation. In a more digital world people seem to be losing their ability to communicate human-to-human, and Anthony is helping businesses to overcome this and stopping people from hiding behind their emails/website/social media. Whether you want to find more leads, convert more enquiries, or up-serve your existing customers, Anthony can help.... "I don't tell people how to sell, I simply show them how to help their customers to buy".
Online & Presential Sessions