Mindy Gibbins-Klein MBA FRSA FPSA is an International Speaker and Coach who turns experts into thought leaders and published authors. Mindy has authored and co-authored 13 books, and her clients have written and published over 1000 books. A native New Yorker, Mindy currently resides in the UK where she runs The Book Midwife® book coaching brand and REAL Thought Leaders strategic consultancy. Over the past 25 years, she has presented to and coached over 50,000 business executives and entrepreneurs in 18 countries. Her TEDx talk “Sometimes You Need to Change Yourself to Be Yourself” has nearly one million views!
why attend:
Writing a book is a dream for many people. For speakers, is has become almost 'de riguer' to have a book that showcases one's expertise. But it is no longer enough just to have a book. Real quality and thought leadership needs to shine through; otherwise you simply get dumped in the bookers' slush pile of speaker pitches. * Learn to discern between quality and mediocrity - in books as well as speaking * Discover the potential of your own thought leadership * Understand how to get the best ROI (return on investment) from your best book
Online & Presential Sessions